Gruppo Icaro - Communication Italian Network
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Icaro Group network is the multimedia group of Rimini Diocese, composed by Iniziative Editoriali Srl (SME), Cooperativa Comunità Aperta Scarl (Non Profit organization), Bottega Video Srl (SME), Il Ponte (Non profit organization).
The network runs 2 tv channels, 1 radio station, 1 news website, 1 weekly newspaper. The sttaff is composed by 17 employees: journalists, speakers, videomakers, audio technicians, webmasters, graphic experts, trainers.
The group managed 4 editons of NEW FARMERS. The CAP and the challenges of European agriculture” (European Project funded by DG Agriculture and Rural Development).
The group worked for Institution –Research and Development Department of Italian Ministry of Teaching and University. It produced some outputs for the project "PON Educazione Linguistica Plurilingue” + “PON Educazione scientifica”. Production of videos for the web, focused on new teaching methods in linguistic and scientific fields. Target: teachers of Public Italian High Schools. The project was cofounded by European Union.
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Education and Training
4 years ago
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