European Project Managememt
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Think European. Act socially.
We are the European Project Management (EPM), a young and innovative department of Pro Arbeit, a public institution, the municipal
jobcenter, created for the implementation of transnational projects, which allows our organization to participate effectively at the European level. Not only are we part of the consortium in a variety of projects, but we also bring our experience and expertise to European bodies committed to a social and committed Europe.
Our primary task - to design the projects that integrate people easier, better and faster into the labor market - is always in the foreground.
All projects follow the motto: "Not about us without us". We live the principle of co-design both in the conception phase and in the implementation.
Our goals are based on the needs of our target groups and provide a broad spectrum for increasing social inclusion and inclusion:
- Processes against poverty and social exclusion
- Sustainable and qualitative labor market integration
- improvement of working conditions
- Combating long-term unemployment
- Reasonable and fair social protection
- Attention to socially disadvantaged groups, such as young people, people with disabilities, people with a migrant background, people of advanced age
- Promotion of gender equality
- Combating discrimination
All projects are applied for together with our local, national and international partners in the various programs of the European Union and financed in the success on the basis of European guidelines and framework conditions.
We focus on
- Labor market integration
- Unemployment/employability
- Anti-discrimination
- Democracy/Active citizenship
- Entrepreneurship
- Environment
- European citizenship
- Gender equality
- Integration
- Intercultural dialogue
- Non-formal learning
And interested in:
· Youth Exchanges
· Training and Networking
· Transnational Youth Initiatives
· Strategic Partnerships
· Capacity Building
· Meetings between young people and decision-makers
Keywords and matching areas:
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Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Europe for Citizens
European social fund (ESF)
Horizon Europe
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
European Union
Urban Innovative Actions
5 years ago
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