Dr Peyman Z. Moghadam
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Dr Peyman Z. Moghadam is a Lecturer in the Department Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Sheffield. His research is focused on the combination of high-level simulations and molecular modelling – including Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics and quantum chemical calculations – for characterisation of self-assembled porous materials MOFs. Prior to joining Sheffield, Dr Moghadam was the Head of the computational group at the Adsorption and Advanced Materials Lab at the University of Cambridge. During the past two years, Dr Moghadam has been leading the collaboration with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) – the largest database for crystalline materials in the world – to classify and create databanks for different types of crystalline materials. Part of this collaboration was focused on the generation of a database containing all the MOF materials synthesised to date and is now published in Chemistry of Materials (Chem. Mater., 2017, 29 ,2618–2625). His group are focused on developing a variety of computational tools for performing high-throughput molecular- and atomistic-level simulations as well as interactive/quantitative big data analysis tools for gas adsorption and separation applications of MOFs. His research interests are in toxic chemicals capture, catalysis and energy ;