DINT Foundation
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Digitalization and integration of new technologies Foundation (DINT Foundation), was created with the aim to support and develop digital ecosystems and entrepreneurship in ;
Our mission is to carry out a total digital transformation in Bulgaria in the forthcoming decade.
The mission is carried out on four main axes:
Economic and regulatory politics– we use our skills and knowledge to inform the executive and legislative authorities. Our aim is to lead an open dialogue, which allows the governmental bodies to continuously improve political and regulatory climate.
Digital innovation ecosystems– we support entrepreneurs – both beginning and advanced. We will provide a broad range of services – from learning and mentorship to acceleration programs of large scale. We will help them to connect with potential corporate clients and investors – Bulgarian and international.
Learning and talent– lifelong learning never has been more important then today. We prepare to provide trainings in digital technologies area, that will help the trainees to advance and refresh their digital skills and business possibilities.
Exchange and culture of innovations– we provide carefully organized platforms and events, where entrepreneurs, companies and investors can connect. At international level we take part in conferences and trade fairs and will offer the possibility for entrepreneurs to present their ideas and prototypes before international ;
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Rural Development
International Cooperation
Urban Management
Smart Cities
Urban Development
Digital Agenda for Europe
Cross-border cooperation
Transnational cooperation
Smart Mobility
6 years ago
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