The CRHACK LAB FOLIGNO 4D was created to help young people develop an addiction to innovative thinking and to acquire a conscious digital practical culture, exposing them in advance to the most advanced technologies to prepare them for the new jobs that will arise in the next decade. All this with the accompaniment of a team of mentors whose multidisciplinary skills range from management and enhancement of cultural heritage to spatial computing, including communication, art, publishing and design. The NGO works as an Open Lab that makes available innovative AR/ VR technologies (such as AR/VR headsets, 3D printers etc) to the local community with the aim to involve disadvantaged youngsters who otherwise would not have access to these technologies. Particular attention is driven to the inclusion of those who are at risk of social exclusion.
CRHACK LAB carries out activities of general interest for the pursuit, without profit, of the following civic, solidarity and social utility purposes:
- to study the short and medium-term impact in terms of inclusion and social cohesion of the epochal digital transformation;
- to make available to young people and their educators new methods, tools and systemic organizational models to face the new individual and collective challenges that will arise in the new socio-economic and cultural context;
- to develop models and prototypes mechanisms of creation and generational transmission of the cultural heritage adapted to the new technological context determined by the expansion and consolidation of the capacity for interaction with the environment through its digital dimension.
The activities carried out, mainly in favour of third parties and making prevalent use of the voluntary activity of its members are:
- education, training and vocational training, as well as cultural activities of social interest for educational purposes;
- interventions to protect and enhance the cultural heritage and the landscape;
- university and post-university training;
- scientific research of particular social interest;
- organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including editorial activities, to promote and disseminate the culture and practice of volunteering;
- extra-school training, aimed at preventing early school leaving and scholastic and educational success, preventing bullying and combating educational poverty.
At local and regional level, we cooperate with primary and secondary schools for the organization of extracurricular activities funded by the Ministry of Education aimed at innovating the educational system by using new pedagogical approaches and tools. Among the other courses and workshops, our education offer includes:
- Augmented Content Marketing: students learn how to valorize their local products and territory by developing simple AR contents that focuses on sustainable production and life stiles
- Fairy tales in Augmented Reality: students are introduced to folk stories and legends by developing drawings and other artistic works to be used as the backgrounds for the development of fairy tales in AR.
- Cultural EasyCoding: students are mentored to develop simple games In Scratch and/or Minecraft to valorize the local tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
- Community Hack: students explore their cities and cooperate with local authorities and stakeholders in identifying and developing new ideas based on volunteering and exploitation of the available resources for improving the social and environmental attitude of the local community.
- Digital citizenship, computational thinking and social inclusion.
- Living Lab aimed at enhancing and boosting local cultural heritage
Moreover, we are responsible for the coordination of Quintana 4D – Open Data and Augmented Reality for the valorisation of Intangible Cultural Heritage, aimed at the co-creation of a "Museater" for our local festival "Giostra della Quintana", a baroque re-enactment of an equestrian tournament.
CRHACK LAB acts as a local stakeholder or associated partner, collaborating to the implementation of several project activities that combine cultural heritage, creativity, digital skills and AR/VR production:
TimeCapsule is a cinema literacy and digital story telling initiative that will guide the students through the discovery of their local territory by travelling through space and time. The students will collect historical material and use it to tell the story of a time-traveller that dreams of a better world in a better future. AR is used to propose different pathways of the journey and propose interactive elements to the those who are watching the digital story.
CreaDig involves five VET schools from our Region that will select 5 teachers each to be trained on how to start-up and run a CrHack Lab (Crowddreaming Hackademy Lab) inside the school. The labs will be fully equipped for AR/VR production and they will promote open schooling initiatives where local companies and public bodies will present their local development projects to the students who will then co-create digital solutions to meet their needs.
• At local level, CRHACK LAB is involved in the SOCIAL HACKATHON UMBRIA (SHU) as main stakeholder. Within the SHU, (), teams of hackers compete for the realization of digital products aimed at addressing social and economic challenges to the benefit of the civil society. Originally planned as the Italian final event of the Generation0101 project, the first edition of Social Hackathon Umbria, SHU2016, has immediately demonstrated to impact in a positive and sustainable way on all the actors involved in the co-creation process of digital solutions to societal challenges. The initiative has been carried out for the last three years involving an increasing number of participants (from 80 in 2016 to more than 160 in 2018) who have benefited from different learning activities implemented during a timeframe of 3-4 months. The SHU aims to involve young experienced students and representatives from public and private entities active at social level. The SHU ends with a final event (lasting 48 hours) that decrees the winner.
• Social Hackademy is a project focusing on young people from disadvantaged background in the acquisition and development of digital skills for finding digital solutions to social challenges as well as on trainers to foster digital skills of youth. Social Hackademy contributes to accelerate a maturation of a "digital thought" and its fusion with "object thinking". The Social (Crowddreaming) Hackademy acts as an aggregator of people of different skills and backgrounds, but united by the passion for exploring the new digital dimension of the world. (to know more: );
• DigiEduHack is a series of online and offline idea-hackathons happening all around the world during two days, focusing on co-creating the future of education at the digital age. The CRHACK LAB will participate in the upcoming Hackaton happening in November and will involve its networks of local schools.
The CRHACK LAB is full partner of several KA2 Erasmus projects:
• Mind over matter (MoM): It symbolizes the humankind’s aspiration to create a better world. The MoM project identifies and leverages the opportunities inherent in STEAM educational activities that will engage and inspire young people to follow STEM pathways through education and into both STEM and new emerging STEAM careers.
• SChOOL GAMES - Digital Game-based Approach to Education: the partnership will develop several digital educational games for primary/secondary schools to be used in different subjests (e.g. history, geography, etc).
• MISSION: STEAM: A guide for ethnic minorities in STEAM: the project identifies and creates the opportunities for children coming with a minority background to be engaged with STEAM activities and further follow the STEAM pathways through education and trainings from the early ages of life (primary school).
• AIDA - Alzheimer patients Interaction through Digital and Arts: AIDA addresses the core competencies needed by professionals in the social, cultural and digital sectors to collaborate and move toward creating a common operating methodology.
• EXDIWORLD-Explorations in the Digital World: the main goals of the project are added difference and innovation to education and training studies in the digital environment, to improve the digital skills of teachers and later students, to prepare and use more practical and instructive digital materials, to make distance education more efficient and more attractive.
• Playing and learning from the past