Amina El Kazzaz
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
We are the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) department in Tripoli port, Lebanon.
Tripoli Port is one of the most important ports of the Mediterranean. It occupies a strategic location that connects the Asian east with the European west. It also enjoys great potential to ensure land communication and transportation through transit with Arab and Gulf countries. Goods coming from Europe or America can smoothly pass through the port of Tripoli to Syria, Jordan, Iraq and the Arab states of the Gulf without any constraints. On top of that, the close proximity of Tripoli port to the Suez Canal (only 300 nautical miles) accord to it another doubtlessly considerable advantage.
Tripoli port has participated in several European projects, including MESP (Managing the Environmental Sustainability in Ports for Durable Development), MEDPORTS (Strategic Mediterranean ports Sustainability & Efficiency in Intermodal Synchronization) and MEDITA (Mediterranean Information Traffic Application), PROMAPIR project (Protection and Management of Palm Island Reserve) and currently Tripoli port is participating in Be-Ready project (Best Rapid Environmental Assessment Decision sYstem) funded by the European Commission.
We are interested in projects related to sustainabily, environment,