Looking for Partnership
I am Nurcan Kocaçay, the project coordinator of "ALTINTAS MEM" which is a public authority responsible for the education facilities in Altintas District of Kutahya city in Turkey with an adult education center, 3 High schools, 6 Secondary schools, 15 Primary schools and 2 Nursery schools . As an educationalist and project coordinator having had the opprortunity of witnessing different systems in many cities around the world before, I am proud of being part of Altintas MEM family which is open to progress with many local, national and international projects such as Europen Commission, ERASMUS+ and UNESCO a few applications of which we have already ;The projects we are conducting in cooperation with the Zafer Development Agency are being carried out in our schools at present.
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Education and Training
Lifelong Learning
3 years ago
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