YOU CAN CHOSE! 35000 LIVES DAILY or ◄ ☼ futurEEnergy motors ☼ ► the BEST ENERGY TECHNOLOY startup.

1 year ago

Cosmin-Horatiu Nadaban



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

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☼ futurEEnergy Motors ☼ ► startup is 

*the solution to solve today's world energy & environmental problems, 

  •  developing an innovative product
  •  with a breakthrough technology
  • that could save 35000 lives per day or more.

Calling out for enterested public or private bodies willing to help speed developing the best clean energy producing product.

 Low-Carbon Technology
 Energy Efficiency
 Renewable Energy
 Environmental protection
 Aerospace Technology
 Innovation & Research
 Clean Transport
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 Horizon Europe
 Project Development

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