We seek: 1. Active or passive developing partners to new tech 2. New ideas 3. Localizers

6 years ago

Shoot high, with us!

We are setting up a spin-off, a new development venture where the partners form a pool, have  opt-in/out and buyout opportunity to each development branches. The first branches to be working from September on:

A. The backoffice: support to all branches

B. The temporary, short term allocator of funds, if a branch or partner needs real yield on the unused funds

Topics in hand to form branches:

- Local energy storage at the site of harvesting energy

- Cutting Heating/Ventilation/AirConditioning/Refrigeration


New development partners

+ holders of new development idea with/out need for an EU grant

+ technical experts (incl. localization and marketing abroad too)

are welcome.

Kindly mail to  the dedicated address:  wappal at wappal dot hu

(Workgroups for Alternative Processes, Products, Applications and Learning)


 Technology Transfer
 Renewable Energy
 Innovation & Research
 Project Development

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