We are looking for partners and Lead Partner for a Creative Europe project proposal

1 year ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Dear all,

We are planning to submit a project proposal for the upcoming Creative Europe open call. The topic of the proposal is "Smart digital walking routes in small and historic cities through the co-creation of audiovisual QR codes of artistic and cultural events". Our approach aims at enhancing sustainable tourism attraction in small towns, fostering the participation of the local communities in topics related to cultural and artistic heritage. The work plan includes:

-The elaboration of a Methodological Handbook that will provide all the relevant information to set up CCI Communities of Practice and co-design the content of the QR installations through a participatory process;

-4 co-creation workshops organized by the project partners in selected pilote areas along with the creation of a CCI Community of Practice in each case;

-Collection of audiovisual content and installments of QR codes in the pilot areas;

-Networking activities that will foster the transferability of the practice in other areas.

Through our project, we aim to create a model of creative interaction between the built environment and its cultural and artistic aspects. There are endless possibilities regarding the content that could be showcased through the project:

-Cultural festivals can be presented at the time of their implementation through digital means, giving a glimpse to visitors about the cultural activities that are taking place in the urban environment at a specific time of the year;

-Artistic events can be showcased, presenting samples of artistic creation of the local community in a creative and interactive way;

-Historical facts about specific districts or historical events that took place in the areas can be presented through an audio content to visitors;

The typology of the partners that we are looking for is:

-A University working on the topics of cultural preservation that will be responsible for the co-creation of the Methodology of the pilot implementation of the project in the form of transferable Handbook that will be also used for the purposes of the replication of the model in other territories and historic towns;

-A Research Center/Cultural-Artistic Network that will be in charge for the overall artistic design of the project and the dissemination activities;

-An NGO or Municipality located in historic towns or areas with unpreserved cultural heritage that will pilot implement the project in collaboration with local stakeholders and residents.

In case you belong to an entity that fits the above criteria an you are interested to join the consortium, please respond until 15/12/2023.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Kind Regards,


 Creative Industries
 Culture and Development
 Digital Culture
 Creative Europe

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