Use of open badge recognition within competence certification - Call for partners

5 years ago

EFCoCert Foundation

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner


Open badges appear to be an extremely promising approach for supporting the opening of these three major degrees of flexibility, agility and timeliness within the competence certification.

This will lead to investigate an in-depth radical rethinking and putting into questions of all paradigms on which competence certification has been based for the last 20 years, :

  • only an examiner with a superior level of education & competence compared to the candidate is habilitated to assess the demonstrated competence level,
  • competences shall, per definition, be assessed and demonstrated “on the job”, only evidence, based through either (physical) observation or documented evidence, can be used as assessment method,
  • soft skills are impossible to assess and recognise within a competence certification scheme,
  • ISO 17024 accredited PCBs are the only neutral and reliable awarding instance that can be involved in competence certification of non-regulated professions and competence profiles acquired through NFIL,
  • evaluation or recognition from (communities of) beneficiaries, employers, clients, peers, hierarchical superior or subordinated, coaches or mentors, etc. is just subjective and has no value,,
  • ...

EFCoCert is looking for partners experienced in open badges recognition for applying within Erasmus+ KA2 partnerships.

Interested? Please contact directly by submitting your motivation, related experience and profile.

Looking forward to further exchanges.

Dr Didier BLANC, EFCoCert President

 Adult Learning
 Lifelong Learning
 Project Management
 International Project Management

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