Training of healthcare professionals to increase numbers of organ donations

6 years ago


Public Authority


Looking for Partnership

Dear Madam/Sir,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the institution I am working for, which will be an applicant organization for project-subjected education in the organ transplantation in the scope of EU Erasmus+. The institution named Antalya Provincial Directorate of Health, formal local representative of Ministry of Health of Turkey, which is governmental body is responsible of regulation, audition, coordination, checking and controlling all public and private health service providers, moreover planning dissemination and delivering of health service and taking responsibility making this tasks effectively and efficiently within Antalya. Antalya is a Mediterranean city with 2,5 million populations located at southern of ;

In Antalya two university hospital, two training research hospital, 14 general public hospitals, 31 private hospitals, 1 oral-dental health hospital, 6 oral-dental centres, 581 private oral-dental outpatient clinics, 52 emergency ambulance unitsdelivering healthcare service under the control of Antalya Provincial Directorate of ;All private hospitals are accredited by international accreditation institution and all public hospitals are accredited by Ministry of Health.

Featured health care services are available also in Antalya like oncology diagnose and treatment centers, ROP diagnose and treatment centres, bone marrow transplantation units and stem cell bank, genetic diagnosis and treatment centres, arthroscopic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, interventional radiology, hand and microsurgery, undersea and hyperbaric ;Additionally heliport, bariatric ambulance, advance technology screening like PET scan facilities services are easy accessible.

Despite all, Antalya Provincial Directorate of Health (institution) has not been reached desired number of successful organ transplantation in Antalya , further education facility needed 

1) Name of Project & Subject

Name of Project: Brain Death and Management of Organ Transplantation Process Transplantation

Project Subject: Organ Transplantation is an medical approach with well-known long term ;Organ transplantation can not only be deceased donation (from deathto live person), but also living donation (from live to live person).

Living donation can be in some special cases, which are not dangerous for donors like; one of the healthy two kidneys, partially liver, marrow, skin transplantation.

Since deceased donation is not life-threatening for donors, in almost all organ and tissues can be transplanted. On the other hand, transplantation can be after convenient death cases with suitable ;First, brain death must become during treatment process in ICU unit and in hospitalization.

Generally, ICU hospitalization time of brain death person takes long time. After brain death confirmed, family of patientneeds to get information from doctor/nurse, consulting or asking advice about organ ;Due to all reasons explained above, special education needs appeared for organ transplantation professionals, ICU staffs, doctors and ;Special education and training activities about diagnosis of brain death, donor care, family education, management of process, are expected to increase number of deceased organ donation and expanding awareness of ;

2) Which institution will make Application of Grant?

Application of Grant will made in the name of Antalya Provincial Directorate of ;

3) Why need this project?

The population is living in the area of EU countries including Norwegian and Turkey. Number of patient who are in the organ transplantation waiting list get up to of them for kidney, 8500 of them for liver, 2200 for lung, 1600 for pancreas and 70 for ;6000 patients in formal registration waiting list had been dead, due to delayed allocation (European Commission, 2014). 

There is a demand excess, in the other words supply deficit in the organ trade market which is the platform organ transplantation and allocation is occurred.

The biggest obstacle to organ transplantation in Turkey like other part of world, short/limited number of ;Although, number of living donation in Turkey is 46,619 which makes Turkey leading country; the rate of deceased organ donation(5,05%) moves Turkey to  end of the list. The main reason of short/limited deceased donation is number of refusals. In this point, the role of good planned comprehensive educations subjected management of process in brain death/donation, is becoming ;

4) What are the aims? Which results expected to be obtained after project finishes?

It is expected to have following benefits after project implementation:

• Increasing the awareness of physician and nurse staff who performs in the organ donation profession, about brain death diagnose and process of organ donation in university and/or Training & Research Hospitals and/orother public and/or private hospitals in Antalya.

• Contribution to increase number of deceased donation ;

• Qualification and efficiency of this staff about public awareness performing ;

• Managing the academic studies about organ ;

• Dissemination of European culture within Turkish healthcare work environment.

• Increasing intercultural interactions ;

5) Which kind of activities are planned to obtained results above?

Different educational programs running in two different flow or combined are planned for physicians and nurses together due to receiver organization in Europe.

a) Brain death and Management of Organ Donation Process for ICU nurses (2 weeks)

b) Brain death and Management of Organ Donation Process for ICU associate and specialist physicians.

c) Educational activities can be performed in different countries with two different ;

d) Depends on the demands and specialty of the partner,education program and groups can be diversified. Flows can be organized due to partner/s recommendations. We are open to ;

6) Activity time periods planned to be performed:

2-3 weeks educational and job-shadowing activities for associate ad specialist physicians (length of educational program is an advantage to get EU Grant). 

2-3 weeks educational and job-shadowing activities for nurses.

Opening and closing ceremonies.

Dissemination activities; preparing leaflets, web announcements, ; etc.

7) Who is performing this activities with whom?

Project partners, local partners, participants, project ;

8) How partners involved to these activities? 

Choosing of staff and partners will be considered who matches to eligibility criteria’s among applications after announcing the Project. Partnership offers will be accepted refer to this ;

Our partner/s could be both sending and receiver organization also.

9) Who is auditing and managing this activities?

Project activity plan and activity-time graphs will be prepared. Job descriptions, responsibilities will be described in the Project.

10) What is the budget and how it will be managed?

Travel,  etc cost of participants will be funded by Erasmus (KA1 or KA2).

Erasmus + program supports to participants of partners (sending/receiver).

Project partner (within the scope of KA1) is obliged to present us about the partnership statements submitted in attachments until February 3rd, 2019 for the application (See Erasmus+ 2019 Programme Guide).

Project partner/s is/are obligated to present us about the partnership statements and the training activity plan for the target group for the training of the project until March 15th2019 for the Erasmus+ proposal within the scope of KA2 (See Erasmus+ 2019 Programme Guide).

It is in this respect that we would like to extend our interest in forming a partnership with your company/institution for the EU-Erasmus project. You may be interested in this cooperation or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to send me an ;

Thank you very much, and we hope to receive your favourably response soon.

 Health Care

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