Town twinning - searching for Bulgarian Municipality

7 months ago

RDA and Municipality of Vrnjačka Banja from Serbia are searching for a Municipality in Bulgaria to jointly implement a project about development, growth and exchange..

The partnership will not only benefit the Serbian districts but also bring significant value to the chosen Bulgarian Municipality. 
The overall goal is to empower and equip local government officials, civil servants, and relevant stakeholders in the Raska and Moravicki districts in Serbia, with
enhanced knowledge, skills, and tools for implementing sustainable
development practices and fostering cross-border cooperation with

The activities are as follows:
1. Launching the project 
2. Conference Sustainable Development in practice
3. Study visit in Bulgaria - 3-day partner visit in the partner municipality to provide Serbian participants firsthand exposure to successful sustainable development
practices and initiatives in Bulgaria.
4. Capacity Building Workshops in Serbia with the participation of Bulgarian experts
5. Communication plan

The duration of the project is nine months (January 2025 - September 2025)
The deadline for submitting a project is 31.7.2024. 

For a partner, we would prefer a Municipality with developed spa tourism from Bulgaria. 


 Cultural heritage
 Digital Culture
 Creative Europe
 Cross-border cooperation
 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 European Union
 Project Development
 Territorial Cooperation

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