Sustainable Campus for Climate Change and Community Engagement

5 years ago

Abdurrahman Mohammed



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University campuses represent distinguished development projects with the vast extent of their human and natural environments. These campuses usually occupy thousands of hectares with diversified natural features and rich flora and fauna. They also provide distinguished learning, teaching and research environments for hundreds of thousands of faculty, students and ;

Sustainability in university campuses cannot be achieved only by concentrating on the natural green environment. Sustainability is a broad concept for managing resources, caring for the environment and maintaining social justice and equity among the population. Several frameworks have been used for the assessment of campus sustainability. Among them are: Campus Sustainability Assessment Review Project, Western Michigan University- Good Company’s Sustainable Pathways Tool, Good Company, Oregon, USA- National Wildlife Federation’s State of the Campus Environment, National Wildlife Federation (NWF), USA- University Leaders for a Sustainable Future’s Sustainability Assessment Questionnaire, University Leaders for a Sustainable Future (ULSF), USA- Auditing Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education, Dutch Committee on Sustainable Higher Education- Penn State Indicators Report, Penn State Green Destiny Council- Maclean’s Magazine Annual Guide to Canadian Universities, Canadian weekly magazine as a special edition and the Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives Missing Pieces Reports I, II, and III. All of these appeared around the year at the turn of this century.

This research project will develop appropriate tool, framework, networking and activities for the comprehensive assessment of sustainability in Turkish university campuses and the dissemination of sustainability knowledge and culture in university communities and the general public at large. Antalya Bilim University (ABU) and Akdeniz University (AKU) in Antalya; will be studied as cases from Turkey. European Universities will be studied as benchmarks for the Sustainable Campus for Climate Change and Community Engagement (S4CE).



 Renewable Energy
 Education and Training

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