Smart it hub

6 years ago

Ngo Multimedijal Montenegro

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner


The vision is to be a synonym for a hub that constantly sets more standards

both in the field of business, trade and investment, as well as in the field of life and

which not only introduces new habits and trends, but also anticipates and creates them.

To be a synonym for the hub that does business with the timing of which it's coming

The content

▪ Software work

▪ IT practice

▪ Library

▪ Programming courses

▪ IT tourism

▪ Language courses

▪ Workshops

▪ Meet up and seminars

▪ Competition for ideas


Software work

▪ Work on software for the municipality / state (existing ideas and innovations)

▪ Work on software for companies

▪ Develop new ideas, new platforms and applications

IT practice

The practice is intended for anyone who sees themselves in one of the IT branches, whether they are

full beginners or already possess certain knowledge in the field of IT.

Work on the most popular programming languages ​​and framework packages:

Java, DotNET, Python.


IT tourism

▪ Visiting the city and getting to know the city contents

▪ Visit of certain institutions

▪ Give ideas for creating applications for city, promotion, promotion


 IT Applications
 Youth Workers
 Creative Industries
 Digital Culture

Looking for a partnership?
Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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