Re-imagining poverty and exclusion throuhg art

4 years ago

Prof Sergei Shubin



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Building on my previous work, I would like to develop a project to reimagine poverty by using artistic prompts and resources and make positive change by giving voice to marginalised people. Working with professional (libraries, museum, local authorities) and educational partners (primary schools) it will provide skills and practical training for community ownership and behavioural change. Activities such as creative writing, storytelling, drawing and drama will provide innovative approach to broadening school curriculum, produce mixed-media stimulus for reaching disengaged children and develop skills (art, literacy) to improve their academic achievements. We will also organise drop-in community planning days, designed like local fêtes to share diversity of coping strategies and offer support in tackling poverty.

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
 Culture and Development

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