Open to lots of artistic ideas anywhere in the world! (Theatre, Dance)

4 years ago

ARTED NET (project)



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Consultant

We are freelancers who have a network potential for your project proposal!

ARTED NET was created as a social initiative by two cultural managers – Federica (Italy) and Domante (Lithuania). Their work spans education, theatre and cultural management; the project (acting as somewhat of an arts' agency) wants to blend these different areas and make theatre/dance accessible to all youth and other social (vulnerable) groups.

Connecting different educational and cultural institutions from various countries in Europe and the rest of the world is the key focus for this initiative as it believes that only through theatrical means we can challenge stigmas and make an impact. Federica has worked as a producer and communication manager in Germany, Norway and the USA (New York). Domante has focused her work more locally in Lithuania by managing cultural projects with different theatres and NGOs.

This is only the beginning for ARTED NET as the sole purpose of this network duo is allowing schools/NGOs/cultural institutions to connect internationally, culturally and artistically through high-quality work of art.

 Arts Education
 Creative Industries
 Cultural Management
 Performing Arts
 Project Management

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