Looking for partners experienced in open competence recognition through open badges

5 years ago

EFCoCert Foundation

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Within a clear innovative strategy, EFCoCert, as competence certification specialist, is looking for partners experienced in open badges recognition for applying within Erasmus+ KA2 partnerships.


To be future oriented and ready to face the next generation’s challenges, competence certification will have to evolve on several grounds:

  • keep up-to date competence frameworks in real-time to capture changes in the world of work (disappearing and emerging jobs),
  • improve and widen access to certification—getting rid of the current bottlenecks,
  • use digital technology not just to support the old processes, but enable new ones.

To face these challenges, EFCoCert is exploring three major dimensions:

1- Integrating non formal and informal open badges recognition within the formal certification process;

2- Flexibilizing and individualizing the certified competence profiles in order to cover both the job profile evolution and the increasing importance of soft skills;

3- Updating competence frameworks in real time from signals generated through informal and non-formal recognition of emerging competencies and needs.


Interested and motivated? Please contact directly per email (EFCoCert President) by transmitting your PIF, your open badge experience and future vision and motivation.

Looking forward to further exchanges.

Dr Didier BLANC, EFCoCert President

 Adult Learning
 Lifelong Learning

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