Looking for partner - accessibility museum/training for museologists in the field of accessibility

7 years ago

Foundation Institute for Regional Development

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Hello Partners! :)

We are Institute for Regional Development Foundation from Poland, Cracow, and we are working with people with disability. We are looking partners for written project. Below you will find the most important information about it:


Basic information:

            The Foundation’s fundamental mission is to ensure balanced social and economy development, the transfer of innovative solutions and support to people with special needs, particularly people with disabilities.

Our main goals include: improvement of employment, education (especially university level education) and social opportunities for people with disabilities, promotion of their equal rights and prevention of digital exclusion.

Project aim:

The project aims to gather and select best practices, guidelines, policies, solutions and techniques and then make them available as the Museum Guide Manual with guidelines, practical solutions, examples of adaptations, scripts for conducting tour-guiding or inclusive workshops, but also considering abilities and needs of smaller  cultural sites. This guide will be essentially useful for less experienced and trained cultural institutions and will play a great role in setting standards for cultural heritage sites in all partner countries.

The project wants to cope with the necessity of a full integration of people with visual and hearing impairments as well as those with intellectual disabilities in the lifelong learning process including them in the acknowledgment of European cultural heritage and art sites. We want to enhance cultural activities of this addressed social group and therefore enable them to develop their critical skills as well as cultural literacy and competences and participation in culture and art.

We are looking for institutions especially such as museums, cultural institutions, art galleries, etc.

The project is largely ready, it requires corrections of details and adaptation to new partner. We would like to start work on it as soon as possible!
If you are interesting in participate - please let us know via email.

We are waiting for you! :)

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 International Cooperation
 Education and Training
 Cultural heritage
 Cultural Management
 Culture and Development

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