Looking for coordinator/applicant experienced organization for Erasmus+ project "LEARN MANAGEMENT USING CHESS"

2 years ago


Consulting Agency


Looking for Lead Partner

Goals:  1) To develop (by interactive gamified lessons) the creativity, intuition, analytic and decision-making entrepreneurial and managerial skills, critical thinking, problem-solving capacity, positive discipline, and the sense of responsibility of students - the future leaders and managers;  2) To disseminate and capitalize in the education and practice of students the method of Scientific Systemic Management, especially focused on eliminating mistakes and maximizing efficiency with a minimum of resources used. 3) To demonstrate the special effectiveness of teaching and learning the science of management using the method of gamification with the help of the game of chess. It perfectly simulates the struggle of companies for survival and profit in conditions of atrocious competition on the market and multiple risks, the permanent effort of the entrepreneur or the manager to make the most accurate, efficient, error-free decisions. At the same time, the game of chess makes the study hours motivating and attractive and constitutes the ideal didactic tool and material to teach and explain the theoretical ideas through practical examples and to fix them forever in the memory by repeating their application in chess games.  4) To provide advanced chess players a new method of better thinking management, in a cybernetic systemic vision, capable of improving their results in sports and in life in general. The Gamified eCourse Model to Teach Scientific Systemic Management, Focused to Avoid Mistakes, Increase Precision and Efficiency in Decision Making Process" obtained at the end of the course can be used afterward by the Member States to introduce in the compulsory education curriculum secondary, higher and adult education a new school subject in which at least one module to be intended for teaching-learning Scientific Systemic Management by gamification method using chess game. This project aims to develop, test in schools, finalize, translate into English and the languages of partners, print and disseminate the mentioned course model in form of a pocket paper book and ebook. The project type is Cooperation Partnership, with a Deadline: of 22.03.2023, with a duration of 18 months, and can be funded with € 250,000. The new course model can also be used to train teachers, leaders, and managers at all levels, to help them achieve better results, make decisions without mistakes, and with maximum efficiency in the use of resources. The following organizations have expressed their firm desire to participate in the realization of the project as simple partners: 1. Madrid Chess Academy, Spain:2. Emit Feltrinelli, Progettazione e Formatione, Milano, Italy; 3. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED), Larissa, Greece; 4. Buyuk Ortadogu Saglik ve Egitim Vakfi (BOSEV), Ankara, Turkey; 5. Bulgarian Digital Cluster, Ruse, Bulgaria; 6. Yenimahalle Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi, Ankara, Turkey; 7. Club Ajedrez 64 Villalba, Madrid, Spain;  8. AC Services, Burgos, Spain; 9. Milli Egitim Mudurlogu, Aydin, Turkey. 10.Federació Catalana d'Escacs, Bacelona, Spain. Depending on the proposed activities and the capacity of the partners, their final number will be determined by the project coordinator. He is free to include in the list of definitively chosen partners other organizations, outside the list above.









 Capacity Building
 Social Innovation
 Education and Training
 Adult Learning
 Higher Education
 European Voluntary Services
 Lifelong Learning
 Creative Europe
 EEA and Norway Grants

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