Looking for a partner (posibly applicant organization) for STEAM education.

6 years ago

Dr Tharrenos Bratitsis



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

We are about to submit an Erasmus+ KA2 for school education project proposal about STEAM education in K-2 ages. Up to now we are a partnership comprised in a University Department of Educatoin (that's us), an SME, 2 school entities and awaiting some answers for the rest of the consortium (among which there will be one more University . We are seeking for a partner willing to act as the applicant organization, is a school entity (or alternativelly a regional directorate which supervises a number of schools) and is preferably from the following countries: Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Cyprus, Lithuania and Malta.
Please contact me asap at and we will get back to you with more information until Sunday.

 Education and Training

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