
1 year ago

This project (project-ID: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000030460) was created with the idea of helping refugees arriving to Europe to integrate themselves into European society through the creation of an application which consisted of six target languages of European contries (Turkish, English, German, Czech, Italian, and Bulgarian). The consortium consisted of Educademy from the Czech Republic, CERA from Turkey, Euroformaz from Italy, Bright Academy from Bulgaria, and Arsu Academy from Germany as the coordinator.

The main output of this project was the L@ngu@ges4all mobile phone application. This was desgined specifially to enable an effective immigrant and refugee integration, through teaching vocabulary and phrases needed in daily-life activities.

Another output was the creation of a L@gu@ges4all database with language learning materials in each partner language consisting of worksheets, games, flashcards, discussion cards, info-graphics, presentations, interactive activies, images, and a collection of individually picked material and links from external sources. This was published on the L@ngu@ges4all web portal created as the third output, from which users can access and download the published material. Through publishing the information online, it is now accessible all over the world.

Finally, during this project and as the fourth output, we created short animations depicting daily life situations that were uploaded on the webportal and embedded into the mobile phone application. With this, users learn how the vocabulary and phrases they have learned can be used in real life, and they can accustom themselves to the spoken language.

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Disadvantaged People
 International Cooperation
 Aid to Refugees
 Adult Learning
 Lifelong Learning
 Migrants and Refugees

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