Internships in Portugal

3 years ago


Start Up


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

We kindly invite you to apply for Erasmus+ and other EU projects with our agencies. As a truly European organisation, we offer to welcome your projects in Portugal – Leiria  - (for internships Erasmus +):


Our longstanding partners and collaborators have stated we are reliable, professional, and experienced partners. We have managed EU mobility and partnership projects (LLP, Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus+) for more than 20 years. Currently, we cooperate with foreign partners and receive project participants from more than 10 EU countries!


As we have great experience in the education, training and placement sectors, our team has successfully managed to organise and implement both sending organisations aims and student expectations for thousands of participants over the years.


We would like to offer you our services and work together to apply for mobility projects under the Erasmus+ framework in the next call for proposals.


We welcome you to ask us for any project documentation you may need for a successful submission. We will be more than happy to help!


We deliver quality programmes for the project participants and as a partner, we could offer you the following services:


·         Work placements and internships for project participants (not sure about sector? Ask us!);
·         Seminars, workshops, and professional visits;

·         Courses for teachers and professionals (ask for the full list of courses);


·         Accommodation: hotels, host families, shared accommodation and student residences etc.;

·         English language courses in certified language school;

·         Local transport and airport transfers;


·         Cultural visits to the most famous Portugal cities and sites, and other free-time activities

·         Administration, monitoring and regular meetings with the project participants;

.      Documentation: Certificates, Europasses, Final reports etc.


NEW SERVICE! We also offer virtual internships with the local companies.

 Video Games

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Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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