Internet of Food & Farm 2020 (IoF2020) - Call 2018

6 years ago

SERGED-Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sports Association

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

In our region which is the production center of agriculture, especially under-cover greenhouse production and outdoor vegetable production is produced.
Approximately 17500 agricultural farmers are producing in our region.
Within the scope of the project, we will be supported by the establishment of intelligent production monitoring and evaluation systems, production planning, testing at the European level of manufacturing and the activities of creating information channels.
Our municipality carries out test and control procedures for exporting agricultural products produced in our region to other countries.
Approximately 33 per cent of the vegetable and seasonal needs produced annually are produced by our farmers.
In this context, we want to work together in project partnerships.


 Food Safety
 Rural Development
 Young Farmers
 Social Farming
 Sustainable Development

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