Interested in a Partnership (Slovak Business Agency)

6 years ago

Slovak Business Agency

Business Support Organisation


Looking for Partnership

We are looking for a partnership within projects focused on social innovation, circular economy and innovative supporting and training tools for start-ups and SMEs.

In Slovak Business Agency, we have been implementing successful international projects on various topics including eco-innovation (EKOprofit Bratislava) or circular economy (project MOVECO).

Within the ongoing MOVECO project, international consortium of partners has developed a circular toolbox for SMEs (information, qualification, financial and collaboration tools as well as a virtual marketplace for waste materials and by-products) to facilitate the transition of eco-innovation in the Danube region.

The current piloting of the tools by SBA in Slovakia is being done by various forms including public discussions, participation on fairs and conferences, company visits, trainings and by co-organizing conferences in order to bring together policymakers, innovators, best circular business practices and SMEs who want to implement the circular principles. Our goal is to actively contribute to the creation of a platform of stakeholders in order to accelerate the circular changes in Slovakia.

Our team is currently getting ready for the next calls, so in case you are searching for a partner from Slovakia specialised in mentioned topics, you can reach us and we can discuss and exchange possibilities. Looking forward to hear from you! 

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Low-Carbon Economy
 Sustainable Development
 Cross-border cooperation
 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
 Horizon Europe
 International Project Management
 Business Development

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