Interested in a Partnership (European Development Agency Ltd)

4 years ago
EUDA is actively preparing for the calls to be launched under the new programming period, with a focus on Erasmus+, Creative Europe, and Horizon Europe. EUDA is the coordinator of EUDA Network (, a growing transnational web of strategic contacts for jointly preparing international projects. EUDA Network is permanently open to accept new members, under multiple membership plans (

Also, EUDA is currently preparing diverse project concepts to be pitched with potential partners. The concepts are the basis of developing full applications. EUDA can either retain ownership of the idea and apply as project coordinator or transfer the concept to another organisation, the latter becoming coordinator while EUDA remains involved as a partner. EUDA can also develop project applications and undergo submission processes for your organisation as client.
For requesting additional information, on-demand consultations, business/partnership offers, please email us at, to Ms Stefania Pavel.

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Sustainable Development
 International Cooperation
 Adult Learning
 Lifelong Learning
 Digital Society

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