Interested in a Partnership (EQUITEA)

4 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Scientific research within a Doctoral Program of the University of Seville on the relationship between Horses and Autism. Research Plan: HYPOTHESIS: The presence of animals, especially horses in a context of natural and structured intervention, significantly improves the overall positive development and quality of life of people with ASD and their families. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Demonstrate that Equestrian Therapies optimize a Comprehensive Positive Development; A significant increase in the Quality of Life; The development of Emotional Intelligence; Generalization to other contexts and other behaviors. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: ETs favor Social Inclusion; ETs favor communication, verbal and nonverbal language; Improve Social Skills; Improve fine and coarse psychomotor skills.

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Disadvantaged People
 Alternative Therapies
 European Voluntary Services
 Human Sciences

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