Interested in a Partnership (Baran Altuncu)

4 years ago

Baran Altuncu

Consulting Agency


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

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We are currently looking to partner up with other consultancy agencies that have clients that are also looking to apply for EU Funded Grants. We want to partner up so that we can build our network and in turn build a consortium for our clients faster; this of course also applies to the consultancy agency that we work with.

We are also looking for SMEs that require assistance to join EU Funded Grants as we provide our services for applying and managing said grants and the projects within.

You can find our company information presentation attached to this call.

 Entrepreneurship and SMEs
 Horizon Europe
 European Union
 Project Management
 Partnership Management
 Project Planning
 Relationship Management
 International Project Management

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