High-level Partnership building

7 years ago

Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Dernegi - Horizon Europa Network

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

HIGH-LEVEL PARTNERSHIP BUILDING >. Should you aim at generating solid consortia with a valuable partner for EU funded initiatives, motivated by Education and Training, Employment and Youth Development, expert in EU competences frameworks (EQF, EUROPASS, ECVET), key proposal writers in 7 approved projects (2016, 2017), and fluent in 7 languages, kindly contact us.

Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Dernegi (IAAD), was established in the city of Istanbul in September 2015, under the form of not for profit Civil Society Organisation. IAAD main activities are organised in two specific spheres: a) societal challenges; b) innovation and technology.

Area of specific expertise – In the education and training sphere: a) learning disorder pedagogical approaches (Special Education Needs); b) emotional education or multiple intelligences; c) NFIL; d) Juveniles, Youth and Youth workers’ capacity building; d) living labs “real-life” learning processes; e) Youthpass, Europass and ECVET implementation in the field of Learning Mobilities; f) ICT tools for learning experiences; g) entrepreneurship and community cooperative; h) gamification and serious games; i) assessment and reporting methodologies (ECVET matrix of competences, spider web of competences, etc.); j) developing standards for registered ETS organisations; k) . In the Innovation and technology: a) Circular Economy development models; b) fostering a forum for “cutting-edge” knowledge exchange, examination of national experiences, challenges and good practice at EU level and SWOT analysis for possible transferability.

 Capacity Building
 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Education and Training
 Adult Learning
 Youth Exchanges
 Lifelong Learning
 Youth Workers
 Migrants and Refugees

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