Halpinet - Horticulture Alpine Networks

5 years ago

Giorgio Scavino



Looking for Partnership

Under Alpine Space programme, we are searching for a French partner in the following areas: Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes; Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté; Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

The project aims to create an inclusive and supportive governance model, through the development cross-sectoral solutions for strengthening Green Infrastructure.

The project will have a special focus on multifunctional rural-urban relationships, by networking of existing urban and peri-urban gardens and vegetable gardens, creating

new ones, redeveloping disused industrial areas, uncultivated, residual or interstitial areas, promoting a sustainable green and auto development for degraded urban suburbs.

It will use the common thread of biotypical and traditional coltivations and cultures to promote a transnational alpine identity based on the recovery and enhancement of the alpine lifestyle, the use of the "beauty" inherent alpine landscapes, to create points of aggregation and socialization for cities especially for young and old people using the urban vegetable garden and / or the green area recovered or assigned as an aggregation point and exchange of experiences, as well as to combat the loneliness and abandonment of the physical activities typical of elderly citizens in urban settings.


Looking for a partnership?
Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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