Free to Fly Out

1 year ago

Margreet Melman

Consulting Agency


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

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Free to fly out is a 21-month transnational project in which involved, contemporary youngsters (at the age of 17/18 years old) gather and share stories, knowledge and experiences in their search to create alternative ways of studying and living. Using this knowledge and experience to give substance to their own unique path. 

youngsters meet each other in some online meetings for the first acquaintance. After this start they will visit each other’s living places as a group in the several partner countries. In these live- gatherings they learn together about their different lifestyles.

In the outer world the concepts such as sustainability, zero-waste, off the grid, self-sufficient living-working communities, the set-up of food forests, eco-villages and more.  
In the inner world there will be support to discover one’s own identity, dreams, qualities and strengths. Here it is about finding your own authenticity and how to manifest this into the world and society we live in. 

We are looking for at least 4 EU partners who want to cooperate in this project. Please do react before coming 10th of September due to the application- deadline 4 October 2023 for Erasmus Plus Cooperation Project.

 Arts Education
 Visual Arts
 European Union

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