Financial Time series analysis

6 years ago




Looking for Lead Partner

Looking for Consultant

I graduated from department of Econometrics, Istanbul University then I did MSc. in Statistics at Ankara University. In the end I did PhD in Economy at Mugla University. I am mainly working and publishin papers related to advanced time series analysis in Economical Data. I do use eviews professionally and some other softwares in Statistics. At the moment I am working as a statistician at Mugla University. I did many worker satisfactory analysis for Mugla Univesity including preparing questionaires, collecting data and analyzin the collected data and introducing many reports at Mugla University.

I am seeking for running projects and  would like to be associated or be a partner of an eu project considering my expertise.


Statistician in Strategy and Planning Department

Mugla Sıtkı Koçman UNiversity

Mobile:+90 542 3777290


 Horizon Europe
 Financial analysis

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