6 years ago

Mathilde De Bonis



Looking for Partnership

The Nonviolent Movement (),  working since 1962 for the exclusion of individual and group violence in each sphere of social life, now formally recognized as an association based in Verona (IT) operating at local, national and international level (as Italian section of the War Resisters’ International), intends to submit a project under the Europe for Citizens Program, Strand: European Remembrance (deadline: February 1, 2019).

The project aims to encourage a reflection on Civil Society and civic participation under nazi-fascism in Europe and in contemporary age, by proposing an educational and training pilot action oriented to young people (16-35) based on the nonviolent perspective, starting from key-events and phenomena of the European History, and including learning mobility and major youth events.

Therefore, the association is searching for  youth organizations and educational institutions, but also any other organization responding to the admissibility criteria set by the Call for Proposals - public local/regional authorities and/or non -profit organisations, including civil society organisations, survivors' associations, and cultural, youth, educational and research organisations – that may be interested in building a strategic partnership for the development of this project idea.

For further information and to apply as a partner,

Please email to mathildedebonis(at) WITHIN JANUARY 15, 2019.

 Education and Training
 Europe for Citizens

Looking for a partnership?
Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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