E+ KA220 ADU - SPEED - Looking for a coordinator

1 year ago

Accademia IRSEI is looking for a coordinator for the project "SPEED - Social Promotion for Elderly Education to Digitalization" . The requested partner should be a training institution or NGO dealing with social inclusion of ageing population/ career guidance and work placement/ digitalisation. 

The project aims to promote learning opportunities and digital readiness among two target groups: seniors and young people. SPEED seeks to tackle exclusion of seniors in the digital age through community involvement and to train young people with valuable skills for the job market while strengthening their civic sense. The project will involve three stages:
- Understanding the digital needs of seniors and youth

- Building a platform for training and demand/offer encounters

-Offering a double-edged training that includes train the trainer for youth and training of the elderly.

Work Packages:
- WP1: Project Management.
- WP2: Digital Consultants' Guide.
- WP3: SPEED Platform.
- WP4: SPEED Training.
- WP5: Sustainable Dissemination.

Pease express your interest via mail by 15th February the latest. Only partners matching with the profile required will be taken in consideration

 Social Innovation
 Sustainable Tourism

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