CERV Networks of town - "Green Libraries: empowering European communities for environmental action"

10 months ago

pasquale soldani

Local Public Authority


Looking for Partnership

The territory of the province of Cremona, located in the southern part of the lombardy region in northern Italy, occupies an entirely flat area of approximately 1800 square kilometers. This geographical position in the center of the fertile Po Valley, historically determines the typical agricultural vocation of the Cremonese economy.

Due to the geomorphological conformation of the territory and the type of productive activities that have settled, the Po Valley is one of the most polluted areas in Europe, and several Lombard cities are among the top-ranked in the list of the most toxic centers.

The proposed project, stemming from the matured awareness on the part of the RBC libraries that the condition of the Cremona territory constitutes a highly significant starting point, aims at creating a European network of civic libraries focused on integrating ecological themes into the social fabric of communities, especially among young people.
Through collaboration between public libraries, the project aims to actively involve citizens in participatory design processes to develop innovative solutions with high impact on individual and social behaviors regarding ecological footprint.
The network of civic libraries will focus on promoting environmental education,  awareness, and community action through a series of initiatives, including workshops, conferences, exhibitions, and awareness-raising activities. Young people will be particularly engaged through specifically designed educational programs to stimulate their interest and active involvement in environmental protection.

We are looking for partners that are facing a similar challenge in order to cooperate and face it together, as well as partners that have previous relevant and positive experience in the field of citizens engagement to help us in a process of capacity building. Please, if interested consider contatcting me

 Sustainable Development
 Culture and Development
 Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme

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