Call for partners ERASMUS+ KA204 Innovation

4 years ago

Istanbul Avrupa Arastirmalari Dernegi - Horizon Europa Network

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Dear colleagues,

We are contacting you today as we are looking for 2 more partners and especially 1 to lead as coordinator for our proposal from: Ireland, Scandinavia, Baltic countries, Hungary and Czechia.

IAAD runs 13 ERASMUS+ projects.

The consortium is currently composed by 2 other partners from France and Spain.

Should you be interested to join kindly let us know by sending your PIF and OID at:  (we will send the draft back to you).


We thank you very much for your attention,

We remain available for any additional information,

Success and good work,
Kind regards,

Bruno SILVA, Team IAAD

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Adult Learning

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