Applications of the mm-wave radar in Mobile Robot fleeets / in Wind Turbine state estimation and control / robot control / ...

3 months ago

Dragan Obradovic



Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Millimeter-wave (mm-wave) radar technology is highly suitable for obstacle localization and navigation. It can be integrated with other sensors, such as LiDAR or cameras, in automotive applications. Additionally, it is capable of detecting human presence and critical conditions, such as the absence of breathing.

We are seeking a consortium interested in utilizing this innovative technology. Novelic has prior experience participating in EU-funded projects and offers expertise in both software and hardware research and development. Moreover, the company can deliver demonstration solutions tailored to the project's needs.

 Intelligent Energy
 Renewable Energy
 Electronics and Microelectronics
 Mobile technology
 Industrial Engineering
 Artificial Intelligence

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