Access to University / Persons with disability at higher education

8 years ago

Foundation Institute for Regional Development

Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Hello Partners! :)

We are Institute for Regional Development Foundation from Poland, Cracow and we are working with people with dissability. We are looking partners and coordinator for new project. Below you will find the most important information about it:


Basic information:

            The Foundation’s fundamental mission is to ensure balanced social and economy development, the transfer of innovative solutions and support to people with special needs, particularly people with disabilities.

Our main goals include: improvement of employment, education (especially university level education) and social opportunities for people with disabilities, promotion of their equal rights and prevention of digital exclusion.

FIRR works closely with universities and other further education schools to improve their accessibility for people with disabilities. Within that co-operation, in frame of various projects (EFS, EC, national funds funded) annual conference is organised since 2007 and many presentations and workshops (awareness trainings for academic staff ) cover issues related to accessibility of education with special attention to accessibility of materials, internet services, e-learning platforms and content, recruitment internet tools, etc.

            FIRR, as an organization experienced in building a network of institutions collaborating to increase the availability of academic space for the disabled, would like to actively participate in creating a platform for exchange of information and experience in that area between partners from Europe.


Increase of universities’ accessibility for students with different kinds of disability.


  • Sharing methodology and good practice;
  • Training for staff of universities (training sessions, workshops);
  • Conference for students with disability and universities’ representatives (1-2 days);
  • Programmes of support for students with disabilities (modification and adaptation of products);
  • Legal and technological advice;
  • Building of network.



Universities (especially department for student with disability), NGOs, students’ associations and foundations, others, interested in making university area more accessible for people with disability.



Erasmus+ Programme, Key action 2 (higher education).


If you would like to be a partner or coordinator of this project - please let us know!

 Social Affaires and Inclusion
 Disadvantaged People
 International Cooperation
 Higher Education
 Lifelong Learning
 Transnational cooperation

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Ma Région Sud!

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