Aba Organic Farm Liberia farmers union

1 year ago

Della Jones

Non Profit


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Hi team 

I'm honoured to have received the below email 

However, am the founder and CEO of the Aba Organic Farm Liberia farmers union 

Liberia is in west Africa 

Agriculture is a major part of Liberia’s economy. It contributes about 26% to GDP. The country’s major crops are rubber, rice, cassava, bananas and palm oil, with cassava and rice being the primary staple food crops. 


Overall agricultural productivity, however, is low. This is because of such factors as weak basic infrastructure, including farm equipment and inadequate farm-to-market roads. 

There is also limited application of fertilizers and pesticides, and inadequate food storage capacity. The civil conflict the country experienced between 1989 and 2003 and the Ebola outbreak of 2014-2015 compounded challenges even further.


Nearly 50% of Liberia’s population is considered food insecure, and childhood malnutrition is persistent. Currently, 35% of children under 5 are stunted and 15% of these children are underweight.

Basically, the Aba Organic Farm Liberia farmers union is now standing as the mothering organization working with over 20 000 farmers across Liberia for transformation in Organic food production and sustainable investments opportunities 

Am looking forward to secure support for this project, currently I have not received any help at all am at breaking point 

Kindly help with any information that will help improve this situation please 

Working together with Partners will boost productivity and increase sustainable economic growth 

With the demand on organic food, the Aba Organic Farm Liberia farmers Union will supply food worldwide making food affordable and accessible for all 

Cell: 00447943523387


 Food Safety
 Rural Development
 Education and Training

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