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Zvyšovanie profesijnej uplatniteľnosti študentov SOŠ Šaľa prostredníctvom rozvíjania odborných vedomostí a zručností v edukačnom a pracovnom prostredí partnerských organizácií
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Erasmus+ „Modernization, internationalization, improvement of vocational education and increase of students´ professional applicability through the implementation of practical mobilities“ was realized as a practical scholarship within the action KA1 for groups studying VET. The main goal of the project was to improve the professional education, to gain practical experience, knowledge and skills in a working and educational environment of co-operating organizations and the recognition of acquired knowledge and the results of the education in the participants´ qualificational profile in accordance to the school´s educational programme. By fulfilling the main goal, we achieve a better professional versatility of the participants – of the students SOŠ Šaľa. The certification of mobilities through internationally accepted Europass certification system will improve the mobility outcomes at the potential employers mostly at the European labour market. Participants will improve their language competences and their intercultural and different social adaptation. The important aspect of mobility trainee-ships is the innovation of the School Educational programe at the SOŠ Šaľa within the special expert training through the modern programmes abroad. Another important aspect is being in contact with cooperating organizations from the European Union countries. The used methodology within the project Erasmus+: 1) The application of the European credit system for vocational education (ECVET) is directed towards supporting scholarships for individuals in vocational education, and towards evaluation, transfer and validation of educational results by the means of ECVET methodology, which are gained during the education at the hosting organizations, it supports the direction towards the transparency of qualification, mutual reliance and co-operation among providers of vocational education in Europe. 2) Certification and description of scholarships by the means of the document Europass. Expected results and impact of the project: Fulfilling the aims of the project will be these results: achieving the planned educational outputs of practical scholarships, their validation and verification by the means of ECVET methodology and certification Europass mobility. By the above mentioned aims we achive an improvement in the participants´ knowledge, potencial and employment. The participants get to know the traditions and culture of co-operating countries, get new contacts which they can use in their future education and work. The gained professional, language, personal, communication and intercultural skills, the gained personal and work contacts support the participants´ integration on the local, regional, national and international labour market. Among the long-term benefits of the project belong the development of successful co-operation and establishment of new contacts with the partner organizations, which could mean the unification of the standards of vocational education and the results of education, that could be recognized by the future employers in the European union.

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