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Zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti absolventů na trhu práce EU cestou bilingvního odborného vzdělávání a posílení podnikatelských dovedností ve fiktivních a reálných firmách
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project “Increasing Competitiveness of Graduates in the EU Labour Market via Bilingual Vocational Education and Strenghtening Entrepreneurial Skills in Fictive and Real Companies” is a two-year mobility project, which integrates internships for secondary school students and the professional development of teachers of specialized subjects.The project submitter and the sending organization is Obchodní akademie a Vyšší odborná škola sociální Ostrava-Mariánské Hory, příspěvková organizace (OAO); the receiving organizations are:- Almond Vocational Link Ltd, Plymouth, Great Britain- Swan Training Institute, Dublin, Ireland- Europroyectos Erasmusplus S.L., Granada, Spain - HochVier – Gesellschaft fűr politische und interkulturelle Bildung e.V., Potsdam, Germany.The project objective, as far as students are concerned, is that the students could apply their knowledge, abilities and skills in real companies abroad. The students taking part in the internships will be from all the three fields of study taught at the school, i.e. Business Academy, Economic Lyceum, and Public Administration. For this reason we are going to place the students into companies focusing on production, business, and services; also in governmental and financial institutions, social security administration and other public administration institutions. The internships abroad will result in students' improvement of their specialized and language competence and the students will learn about the running of firms and companies in one of the EU countries and this knowledge they will take advantage of in their future job.The project objective , as far as teachers are concerned, is improvement in the quality of teaching the specialized subjects in our school and adaptation to the international job market requirements. Via this project we are providing our teachers with a reflexion of their job by means of visiting schools abroad and also learning about the internship conditions there. We have chosen Ireland, and Great Britain as 2 significant EU countries. We have managed to find favourable partners, who have pledged to arrange for us a program based on our requirements: visiting specialized secondary school with a similar focus (economy, trade, public administration), visiting prospective and successful companies and institutions – employers of the graduates of these schools, job shadowing with the colleagues from abroad.OAO is sending onto the internships abroad in 2 rounds 36 students in total – in May 2017 16 students of fields Business Academy, Economic Lyceum, and Public Administration into Ireland; in May 2018 20 other students of the same fields into Great Britain (12 students), Spain (4 students), and Germany (4 students). The internships will be 3 weeks long and there will participate students of 3rd year of study (17-19 years old). All the students have the theoretical knowledge, which qualify them for the performance of the internship in their field of study, they have command of a foreign language (English, Spanish, or German) at A2-B1 level, and they also possess specific practical skills and abilities, which they have acquired from the obligatory training practice as a part of study in our school. Next, OAO is going to send 4 teachers (in total) of specialized subjects in May 2017 and May 2018: in 2017 there will be 2 teachers to Ireland, and in May 2018 there will be 2 teachers to Great Britain. It will be one week expert internship focused on the exchange of experience (job shadowing) and learning about the job market situation in the mentioned destinations. The participant can be a teacher of specialized subjects, with the knowledge of the foreign language at B1 at least.The project activities reflect the needs and objectives of the project. As far as students are concerned, it is e.g. keeping the public files, issuing official documents, working with software of various kinds, tax records, e-trade (more in E. and F. sections). As far as the teachers are concerned, it is focused on posibilities of biligual vocational education and support and innovation in the field of fictive firms. The particular work programme for all the groups of participants has been fixed in a contract with all the receiving organizations: the place of work must correspond to the skills, which must correspond with the requirements expressed in the students’ CVs and letters of application. Anyway, many work placements are already fixed even before the project application form has been approved.ECVET is a significant result (benefit), which is a part of each of the contracts made with the receiving organizations.
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