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Zukunftswege - Schule entwickeln durch Stärkung von Fremdsprachen und selbstorganisiertem Lernen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Our school has gained certain experience in two different COMENIUS projects in the past. By this we came to recognize that we have a need to foster the language skills of our colleagues, especially them who don't teach English as a subject. Furthermore by establishing a centre for self-guided learning we feel the need to use the extraordinary experience of a partner school to develop our own school concept. Additionally we recognize that the challenges that our school is facing is steadily increasing, also because of changes in society and politics. So we have to find answers on the aspects of inclusive approaches for pupils with special needs as well as educational offers to migrant students to foster their integration and to learners who are disadvantaged from their personal background. Goals - Extension of foreign language skills for as many teachers as possible - Fostering a European conscience and citizenship - Qualifying support for the establishment of our own self learning centre - Enhancement of the quality of education for learners with migrant backgrounds, special needs or social disadvantages Three English teachers and twelve teachers from other subjects will participate in structured courses in the UK. Twelve colleagues will have a job-shadowing in different European countries. Accomplishment Participation in structured English courses and job-shadowing. Processes will be monitored by the school's supervision group. Results - Extension of methods of teaching and learning - Enforcement of the stablishment of our self learning centre - Improvement of the results of the students in final exams - Activation of colleagues to take over responsibility in European school partnership projects - Fostering and enhancement of our school program focussing on the named groups of students

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