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ZSP Goniądz - Zespół Samych Profesjonalistów
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school is named: Complex of General Education Schools in Goniadz. It is a public school. The Complex constists of: kindergarten, 6 years of Primary and Secondary School in Goniadz with a 3-year cycle of education. The Managing Body is Goniadz Community. The Complex employs teachers, administrative staff and support staff. There is currently working 45 teachers and 19 employees and taught 457 students, including 52 children in the kindergarten, 276 primary school students and 129 students in Secondary School.Our main goals we want to achieve by participating in the project:- Improving the professional qualifications, including language skills 20 teachers to III 2018,- Increase innovation and internationalization of the school to III 2018,- Get to know with good practice in teaching and working with students with special educational needs and implement solutions gained by 20 school staff during foreign mobility carried out under the project to the III 2018,- Increase the attractiveness and quality of education through the acquisition of new methods of education and modernization teacher workshop to III 2018,- Implementation of the foreign mobility 20 employees.The participants of the project will be a total of 20 employees - teaching staff involved in the strategic development of the school. Participants will attend staff training, Job Shadowing type - observe the work in the foreign partner school.Job Shadowing improve teachers professional competence (including language competence) for the entire period of observation, to ensure continuous contact with Receiving Institution employees. In addition, teachers need to directly experience the aspects related to the different culture and a different working environment. Participants expect that they will be accompanied by staff of the host institution, taking regular observations about their work, performed tasks, used competence, culture of the institution, etc. Teachers also count on the fact that under the Job Shadowing will also have the opportunity to interview, the implementation of professional activities (eg. Short teaching), participation in meetings.Job Shadowing program was established jointly by the school and the host institution, based on their professional competence, they intend to expand the existing level of language competences. In addition, foreign educational mobility of teachers should contribute to greater involvement in international cooperation, developing their competencies and skills using eTwining platform.Teachers also expect that their participation in the foreign mobility will affect the fact that the learning process will proceed in accordance with the capabilities of students, educators and teachers individualize work with students with special educational needs (including talented students).Job Shadowing enhanced professional qualifications of teachers and will have an impact on the work of teachers in many areas:- refresh interest of teachers in the area of teaching,- will allow them access to a larger resource materials, methods and techniques,- give teachers a wider range of methods and techniques which will benefit in the school,- impact on updating knowledge about other countries and cultures,- expand knowledge about Czech Republic, which is especially historians will use in the classroom,- enhance the career prospects of the teacher,- motivate teachers to further professional development,- improve teachers' competence in a foreign language and communication skills,- promote the wider use of ICT,- increase skills in classroom management strategies with students with diverse skills and abilities,- establish contacts with the European teachers,- encourage to participate in other programs and enables the development of an initial conversation with a partner on a possible cooperation and provide training for other educational staff in school,- increase the knowledge of teachers on the funding mechanisms of actions at European level in the field of education.The acquired knowledge will help teachers to create a database of educational materials for other teachers. His experience will support colleagues in an effort to improve their skills through participation in training Erasmus +.

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