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Zreški gastronomi in strojniki na praksi v Milanu/Dunaju
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mobility project will include students of two different programs: mechanical technician and gastronomy-tourism tehnician. Students will gain good working skills abroad, they can improve their professional skills and knowledge – engineering, gastronomy and tourism, learn new methods and approaches of work, learn about different machines, devices, appliances and modern technology in their field of expertise. In this way we will gain more practical and useful skills that will increase their employability, new experiences and knowledge will be transferred to their environment,they will improve communication in a foreign language and they will start to realize the importance of European citizenship. Goals: - Learning to work:professional,linguistic,social skills;transmission of knowledge on target groups,increasing employability,quality assurance - exchanges of knowledge,experience,applying knowledge in practice,dissemination of good practices - upgrading communications,foreign language,technical terminology,knowledge of entrepreneurship,digital literacy,ICT, technology - extension of cooperation between educational institutions,companies,innovation - improve the competitiveness of the students on the European labor market - increase self-confidence,flexibility,teamwork,intercultural dialogue - support for the mobility of students across Europe In March 2016 we will send four students of the program mechanical technician and two student program gastronomy-tourism tehnician. In March 2017 three students of the program mechanical technician and three students of the program gastronomy-tourism. The terms will be adapted to school obligations and have agreed on it.Selection criteria: the most important is learning success,success in practical classes or proffessional modules, foreign languages and the behavior of students. Participants must be interested,that is the only way to achieve the desired success and enrich students with experiences of good practice abroad. In cooperation with our partner we will prepare:documents,agreements,training,transport,insurance,security,safety of participants, accommodation.Conducted educational,linguistic,cultural and professional preparation. Methodology: practical work on specific jobs within the company (computers, equipment, technology, materials), communication, socialization and intercultural dialogue . Results of the project: to make new friends,to write article about the practice and publish it on the on the school website, facebook hangers images, inform the general public throuhh local radio. After returning to Slovenia we will present their results to students at other schools,teachers,primary school children and their parents,the management of companies and their employees,local communities,chambers of commerce and other professional schools . The article will be published in the local newspaper enterprises,web pages,school newsletter,yearbook,leaflets, local radio and television. Students involved in mobility will also expand the knowledge,experience,achievements,cultural awareness marketing ability and language skills . The results of the project,the skills,knowledge,good practice examples will be disseminated and shared with other students, businesses,organizations and workshops at regional and national level by presenting a cultural event at the end of meetings at school,technical days,open days,outside of school. The mobility of students will improve:professional,social,linguistic,digital and ICT ,confidence,flexibility,greater competitiveness in the labor market. Students will get Europass.The practice will be recognized within mainstream education.Cooperation and dissemination of results among companies will strengthen. Long-term benefits:the project as part of the regular school activities;enhance the quality and attractiveness of education, support and introduction of innovation in the local business environment and beyond;assessment of knowledge in line with European standards. With this project we want to achieve long-term objectives,namely:increased motivation,quality of experience,skills and knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering and gastronomy and tourism,greater opportunities for communication in the profession, filing foreign language skills,a greater sense of responsibility for the work performed,the greater ability of team work,to improve the competitiveness of our students on the European labor market,awareness of interculturalism and maintain cooperation with foreign companies. Depending on the perceived needs of the environment, according to the strategic orientations of Slovenia and the European Union we are aware that we have to worry about getting high-quality theoretical and practical knowledge to the work of students in various fields and care for youth development,introduction of new methods and forms of work tostrengthen cooperation on local national and international level.

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