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Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teachers of vocational subjects and persons coordinating international cooperation of Zespół Szkół nr 5 w Ełku and Daugavpils Technikum will be the project participants. The Latvian school is a host institution. The overall aim of the project is to establish a common program of activities leading to standardize the educational process in schools participating in the project. Furthermore, the objective of the Polish school is to acquire knowledge and skills needed to manage investment financed from EU funds, both in its implementation, and after. Latvian school for an extra goal to achieve puts implementation of one of its top priorities, which is developing the concept of vocational education, including research and studies on best practices from a variety of vocational schools and institutions of the European Union. The objectives of both partners are in line with the main objective of the project. The main methods of work within the project will be observations and lectures combined with bilateral discussions on topics relating to the objectives of the project. The observations will be focused on educational activities in Latvian school conducted using the latest IT achievements. Moreover, Polish participants will learn about the functioning of the IT infrastructure used to manage the educational process in the Latvian school. Presentations on the shape of vocational training in Poland and Latvia are scheduled. On the basis of the information they contain the map of similarities and differences in both systems will be developed by the project participants. Discussions will be used to develop a formula of extracurricular activities allowing on alleviating these differences. Thanks to this graduates of both partner schools will be equipped with the same knowledge and skills promoting them on the european job market.

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1 Partners Participants