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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the project is to increase the competence of school staff in language skills, modern teaching methods, including the use of new information technologies, networking with institutions from other countries, preparation of joint educational projects, including international partnerships. These objectives will be achieved through participation in a foreign language and methodology courses and language so that participants will not only improve language skills but also get competence with modern methods of working with students, exchange experiences with representatives of other countries and make new partnerships. The specific objectives of the project are: (1) Improving the qualifications and skills of employees in terms of more effective teaching methods and the wider use of multimedia and authentic materials (2) Improving language skills in terms of quality of speech and vocabulary (3) Improving the quality of school management in the management team and communication team (4) Promoting openness, tolerance and respect for diversity through education among the project participants, in the long run: by their students' willingness to establishing and maintaining contacts with representatives of other nationalities(5) The use of new tools in teaching and international cooperation (eg. information and communication technologies, online tools and use the platform e-Twinning) (6) Strengthening the European dimension of school and its international reach by increasing its participation in international projects (7) Increase the sensitivity to diversity, linguistic and cultural diversity by promoting cooperation among representatives of different cultures Number of participants: 5 people (4: language teachers, 1 headmaster). They were selected to participate in the project because they would like to raise the skills of those. A lot of participants can directly contribute to raising the level of education in foreign languages ​​(for teachers), and will be the driving force behind the preparation and implementation of other projects and will give the opportunity to use the available training and Internet forums in the management of schools (for the Headmaster). The main activities of the project can be divided into 3 stages: I. The preparatory phase, comprising: preparing substantive (eg. to prepare topics of particular interest to participants), organizational preparation (logistical aspects abroad, document management) II. Step mobility: participation in the course, international contacts, the collection of teaching materials, presentation of own school and its willingness to take cooperation III. Stage dissemination of project results: implementation of learned methods: the use of new teaching (through conducting classes with the introduction of methodical innovations), transmission of other methods (by conducting lessons peer), dissemination of results of the project (by presenting a wider group of benefits), evaluation (checking the effects of implementation project and their impact on the extension of trans-national cooperation) The added value of the project will change the way of thinking about everyday work and used in the following methods: teachers will gain confidence, they will be more receptive to modern teaching methods and search for new solutions. Particular importance to the project will have a cultural exchange: participants in the project, while in another country will establish contacts, which are the basis for further cooperation.The potential long-term benefits of the project is primarily to establish broad international contacts and use them in practice, ex. the preparation of joint projects in the fields: exchange of students, improving the quality of education (eg. through the development and implementation of new teaching methods) to promote a common European identity (eg. through information projects spreading knowledge of other EU countries), generation of interregional cooperation. Long-term benefits for schools are also well educated and versatile staff and open-minded and creative students. Staff experience gained will without fear undertook additional tasks, seeing a number of benefits: not only personal, in improving qualifications, but serving primarily students. Our students will be obtained better results in learning more efficiently used the foreign languages, will be open to cultural diversity, free from xenophobia, intolerance, etc. Thus will be better prepared to live in the reality of a united Europe. The methodology of preparation and administration of this project was based on the guidelines of Erasmus +, as well as school experience from past projects).
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