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Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational school of tourism "Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov"-Burgas has 991 full-time students and 55 self-educated students in the following specialities - hotel management, catering, chef, baker-confectioner and travel agent that supply the needs of good professionals in the tourist industry in the area and in the country. Our school has prolonged experience in implementing training practice at real working environment in tourist enterprises. We have good and developing relationship and mutual activities with the employers and branch organizations in the field of tourism. Participating in different projects we have improved our facilities, trained our students and teachers and held international mobilities.Our necessity of highly-qualified education and improvement of the process of training and learning are the main reasons to apply for that project.THE MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ARE: -to improve the linguistic and professional skills of the participants;-to increase students' motivation for acquiring new knowledge and practical abilities;-to improve personal development and adaptability of students to the requirements of the European labour market;-to increase students' knowledge about their future job and its implementation at the European labour market;-to make students acquainted with the socio-economical and cultural characteristics of the partner country;-to help students get knowledge and specific know-how from good practice abroad;-to achieve good friendship and intimacy among the students in both schools;-to contribute to teachers' co-operation and mutual aid between the teams from both schools;-to achieve improvement and modernization of educational plans and schedules in both schools;-to act as a precondition for future school implementation in European projects-to increase quality of professional educationTHE PARTICIPANTSStudents' mobility will include 12 students from 10 and 11 grade, divided in 2 groups, led by a teacher. It will be held at the receiving school for a four days and then the training will continue in a real working environment for 2 weeks in enterprises which the Spanish school has signed contracts with. Every day the students will fill in a report sheet with all the tasks from their working program and their supervisor and the Bulgarian teacher will put them marks in their training mark-book.Teachers' mobility will include 16 teachers, divided in 2 groups of 8 people. They will meet their colleagues from the partner school, visit lessons and training modules, exchange good practice and experience. The teachers will fill in a report sheet with their impressions, innovations and suggestions to be implemented in our school. All participants will sign a mobility contract and prepare reports at the end of the mobilities.The mobilities will be based on a working educational plan, agreed with and signed by both partners and the participants.THE EXPECTED RESULTS ARE:-achievement of higher professional development of the students;-increase of students' suitability, adaptability and possibility for implementation at the European labour market;-achievement of personal and professional development of the teachers;-improvement of the educational plans and programmes, as well as the school management at VST.INFLUENCE:The project will impact all students and teachers at VST in accordance with their aspiration to achieve higher results in teaching and learning and involving in future projects. Parents, other vocational schools in the area, employers and the general public will improve their positive attitude to the school and the level of education in it. LONG-TERM BENEFITS:The project will contribute to raising the school's prestige among the employers and the society in the region.The introduced innovations will help the improvement of pedagogical practices and will increase the educational results.The project will strengthen the relationship between our school and the vocational college in Almaraya.
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1 Partners Participants