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Start date: Oct 5, 2014, End date: Oct 4, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational School of Tourism “Prof.Dr.Assen Zlatarov” – Bourgas is a 57-years-of-story school that prepares specialists in the field of tourism. At the moment there study 946 full-time students in 37 classes and 41 students in an individual form of study. After their graduation the students receive a Secondary education diploma and a 2nd or 3rd degree Certificate of professional qualification. VST main objective is to prepare highly educated and highly qualified specialists that are capable and adaptable to the European labor market. Teaching is carried out by 70 highly qualified teachers that work in improved through projects facilities. Production training lessons and a part of the school training lessons are carried out in a real working environment based on contracts between the school and several enterprises. The needs of the VST in respect of the education quality increase, the internationalization and the improvement of the whole educational process are stipulated within the School strategic plan for development. MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT: To improve the linguistic and the professional competencies of the participants; To increase the students’ knowledge of the profession and its implementation on the European labor market; To improve the personal development and the adaptability of the students for their realization on the labor market in Europe; To get acquainted with the social, economical and cultural peculiarities of the partner country; To start cooperation, mutual assistance and understanding between the teachers’ teams of the two schools; To improve and to update the educational plans and programs of the schools; To achieve mutual understanding and to make the students of the two schools closer; The students to gain knowledge or specific know-how from training or good practices abroad as well as practical skills connected with their work and professional development. There are 24 students-trainees as project participants with 4 accompanying teachers and 24 trained-through-observation teachers from VST. The students are divided into 4 groups of 6 students and 1 accompanying teacher, the teachers are included into 4 mobile groups of 6 persons. Students’ activities during the mobility will include one week of practice lessons in the French school training facilities and two weeks of practice in the enterprise organization that has a contract with the French school. Every day a register book will be filled, describing the completed tasks, the acquired knowledge and skills. Teachers’ activities will include meetings with the partner school teachers, visiting of lessons and practice lessons, exchange of experience between them. The mobility activities will be carried out based on an education working plan, coordinated and signed by the partners and the participant. The students will be educated through practice and communication, and the teachers mainly through observations, communication with the colleagues, investigation of the school documentation and immersion into the real working environment of the school practices. The expected results of the practice are: Achieving a higher level of students’ professional and special development; Increasing the students’ development and their adaptability to the European labor market; Teachers’ professional and personal development; Improving the school lessons and programs as well as the VST management. The project will have its impact upon all the VST teachers and students in respect of their desire to achieve higher results in studying and teaching having in mind their participation in future projects. Presenting the project results will contribute to the positive attitude of the parents and the public as well as the employers’ organizations and the other vocational schools in the region towards the level of education and training in the VST. The long-term benefits for the participants and the school are: Strengthening and developing the relationship with Vocational School “Camille Claudel” – Remiremont, France; The experience is a prerequisite for participating in other EU projects; The implemented in VST innovations will improve the educational practices and the training results.

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