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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The mover of the project is Upper-Secondary School Complex No. 1 in Jarocin. The project is aimed at vocational secondary school students in profession construction technician. Because of the industrial specificity of our region this profession is welcome. The location of Jarocin (60 km from Poznań) and the lack of high qualified employees influence this situation to a large extent. Our school tutores in vocational education on its own ground, however, the equipment is antiquated and it is often demotivated to our students. The German partner is a center with great technical base offering training services for both German apprentices and foreign people. Perfect personel, equipment and hotel base allow to claim that the partner choice is very good. Our project assumes twofold trip of two groups of students (12- and 16-students groups) for two weeks practical classes to get new professional experiences. New skills and certificates can be the good pass to the better future for our students. The beneficiaries of the project are also people at risk from social exclusion whom parents had been working in restructured farms owned by the Treasury for many years and that is why their social needs are narrow. The stay in German educational center is also value added for our profession instructors. They can prepare plans of school workshop modernization using German examples.The project participants will get the theoretical knowledge and they will proof it practical in such fields as: inside and outside dry buildings and electronic building measurements. The mentioned fields are often omited during practice in Polish schools because of high expenditure. We would like our students to get new experiences in these specialized fields and to enthuse with perpetual improving of their skills.Students will get the knowledge and skills which will be used by their peers and future students of our school (co-authoring of practical classes programme, help by the building laboratory modernization, using their experinces by creating new projects).The beneficiaries will get interpersonal and self-presentation skills. They will learn how to be creative and take a part in a public debate, too. The branch language competence and creating of intercultural attitude are of great importance. The success of the project is going to be of service to the future cooperation between the Upper-Secondary School Complex No. 1 in Jarocin and Trade Chamber in Potsdam.
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