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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The original idea to join the E+ project has come from one of our colleagues and because the others took a fancy to it, we have started with the preparatory project work.On behalf of our organisation we are sending 14 teachers and 3 managers. Three of our colleagues are going to broaden their methodic skills of use of English language, 5 teachers are going to improve their artetherapy practice and 6 teachers are sent to join courses of implementation of new methodology in the scool curriculum.We expect from the mobilities broadening of our horizonts as we hope will have a good impact on the quality of our pedagogical skills.Though we are known as a school with inovative procedures, we presume that there is allways something that can be improved and therefore we think that is crucial to keep abreast of the needs of our time.In our school there is a place and support for also kids with special needs and we run one "special class". Our goal is support of equality and inclusion of children with special needs into school environment via implementation of practical methods and development of manual and art skills, which as we believe, have a positive impact on emotional balance of each human.We expect a lot from new CLIL methods and outdoor educational techniques - especially interest in learning, curiosity rise of pupils and improvement of present teachers skills, rise of their selfconfidence and language skills.We believe that our teachers will be inspired by new-gained experiences from mobility and will be able to bring inspiration and support for our pupils. We would like to learn interesting pedagogic techniques in education and to implement them into cross-subject relations and share them in workshops and seminars as well as e-twinning.The need of quality rise of school management is not less important for us. We expect from mobility experience and improvement of financial and project management as well as needed communication skills for dialog with Slovak Ministry of education and for creation new legislative proposals and for international projects realization.In accordance with the Strategy Europe 2020 we work on fulfilment of some goals: "Decrease in untimely finish of compulsory education" by using attractive education methods gained in different didactic courses.An initiative "Program for new skills and new job positions" is focused on development of universality of pupils. Just comprehensively developed personality can reflect the changes in the working environment, which means their labor market flexibility.By international contact development with our school we hope to achieve a standard of modern, flexible, open european school.We believe that new contacts will help us participate in further international projects and declare us skilled in use of interesting educational techniques and methods.

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